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Lab Members

Jinshan Peng

Position: PhD candidate     E-mail:jinshan@pku.edu.cn

 Hello, everyone! My name is Jinshan Peng, and I'm thrilled to introduce myself as a researcher in the field of RNA splicing and its role in development and disease. With a keen interest in molecular biology, I explore the fascinating world of RNA splicing and its impact on various biological processes. I am particularly intrigued by how splicing contributes to the intricate regulation of gene expression and its implications in both normal development and disease progression.

 Outside the laboratory, I find joy in an array of activities. I am an avid sports enthusiast and enjoy playing table tennis, badminton, and skiing. Music is another passion of mine, and I often find solace in singing. Exploring different cuisines and experimenting with cooking is yet another hobby that I indulge in during my leisure time.