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In reverse order of publication time.

*: co-first authorship; #: co-senior authorship.

You can find a full publication list at Google Scholar.

A transient transcriptional activation governs unpolarized-to-polarized morphogenesis during embryo implantation (Molecular Cell)

Xuehui Lyu*, Yingzi Cui*, Yinfei Kong*, Min Yang, Hui Shen, Shuyun Liao, Shiyu Li, Chenrui An, Haoyi Wang, Zhe Zhang, Jennie Ong, Yan Li, Peng Du

July 2024

Capturing totipotency in human cells through spliceosomal repression (Cell)

Shiyu Li*, Min Yang*, Hui Shen*, Li Ding*, Xuehui Lyu, Kexin Lin, Jennie Ong, Peng Du

June 2024

Hallmarks of totipotent and pluripotent stem cell states (Review, Cell stem cell)

Peng Du#, Jun Wu#

February 2024

Spatiotemporal transcriptome atlas reveals the regional specification of the developing human brain (Cell)

Yanxin Li*, Zhongqiu Li*, Changliang Wang*, Min Yang*, Ziqing He, Feiyang Wang,Yuehong Zhang, Rong Li, Yunxia Gong, Binhong Wang, Baoguang Fan, Chunyue Wang, Lei Chen, Hong Li, Peifu Shi, Nana Wang, Zhifeng Wei, Yan-Ling Wang, Lei Jin#, Peng Du#, Ji Dong#, Jianwei Jiao#

December 2023

Spatiotemporal insight into early pregnancy governed by immune-featured stromal cells (Cell)

Min Yang*, Jennie Ong*, Fanju Meng, Feixiang Zhang, Hui Shen, Kerstin Kitt, Tengfei Liu, Wei Tao, Peng Du

September 2023

miRNA dosage control in development and human disease (Review, Trends in cell biology)

Yingzi Cui*, Ye Qi*, Li Ding*, Shuangjin Ding, Zonglin Han, Yangming Wang#, Peng Du#

July 2023

RDR1-mediated broad antitumor response: a novel strategy manipulating miRNAs as a powerful weapon (Research highlight, Life Medicine)

Ye Qi, Li Ding, Mingyi Xie#, Peng Du#

June 2022

A plant immune protein enables broad antitumor response by rescuing microRNA deficiency (Cell)

Ye Qi*, Li Ding*, Siwen Zhang, Shengze Yao, Jennie Ong, Yi Li, Hong Wu, Peng Du

May 2022

Decoding the temporal and regional specification of microglia in the developing human brain (Cell stem cell)

Yanxin Li*, Zhongqiu Li*, Min Yang*, Feiyang Wang*, Yuehong Zhang*, Rong Li*, Qian Li, Yunxia Gong, Binhong Wang, Baoguang Fan, Chunyue Wang, Lei Chen, Hong Li, Jennie Ong, Zhaoqian Teng, Lei Jin*, Yanling Wang#, Peng Du#, Jianwei Jiao#

March 2022

Mouse totipotent stem cells captured and maintained through spliceosomal repression (Cell)

Hui Shen*, Min Yang*, Shiyu Li*, Jing Zhang, Bing Peng, Chunhui Wang, Zai Chang, Jennie Ong, Peng Du

May 2021

Global miRNA dosage control of embryonic germ layer specification (Nature)

Yingzi Cui*, Xuehui Lyu*, Li Ding, Lan Ke, Dechang Yang, Mehdi Pirouz, Ye Qi, Jennie Ong, Ge Gao, Peng Du# & Richard I. Gregory#

May 2021


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